Sunday, June 26, 2011

Does evil bring about good?

Many might believe that the bad situation of many poor people in India made Mother Teresa do good things. But DID she really do good?  Though T Eagleton in his book 'Evil' writes that Jesus was portrayed in the New Testament as spending much of his time curing the sick- Jesus NEVER once advises the ill and infirm to reconcile themselves to their suffering YET Mother said more than once that the suffering of the poor quenched the thirst of Jesus whilst dying on the Cross. Eagleton again states that Jesus seems to regard the afflications as the work of the devil; that Jesus never suggested that heaven wiould be adequate compensation for woes - though one might become gentler and wiser through suffering- it is still A BAD THING that this was the way gentleness and wisdom is obtained....

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Mother Teresa said to give all donations to her...

This photo of Raghu Rai, shows how poor people begging were ignored by Mother Teresa. New volunteers were told that they should not give to beggars as Mother disapproved- Give to me instead she said  Hence I have seen her nuns  walk past destitute people and even those who come as they did in 2000 as refugees from major flooding in West Bengal hoping for a cup of tea from the nuns were refused. There were only ten that dared to come to Mother House but they were refused though inside foreign volunteers were eating bread, bananas and as much chi/tea as they could fit-  and many of these 'volunteers' chose not to volunteer that day! 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Pope John Paul beatified while Mother Teresa STILL not a Sain!

Why hasn't Pope Benedict sainted Mother Teresa yet???????? especially as in his earlier life as Father and later Cardinal Ratzinger he was one of Mother's great fans which meant that he must have often visited Shichu Bavan which is less than 100meters from Mother House. He would have seen the kind of terrible conditions that are pictured on and as many locals and long term volunteers are aware are well  below United Nations Child Rights; which were ratified by India - where Mother's permanent home was and the country of her citizenship. She expired 5 years later... the conditions have improved slightly but still remain below the UN standards...

Does this photo does show some calculation..... maybe when millions of dollars donated have been spent on convents and religious paraphenalia instead of the unwanted babies she begged mothers to give her to care for.........

Friday, March 11, 2011

Does Mother Teresa desreve Sainthood????

what does this photo indicate? Large hands and a calculating face ? Sadly from experience and  research I know that Mother Teresa was most concerned i n creating convents all over the world to bring people to Jesus. Yes this is what the Catholic Church demands of their saints- total dedication to God. So how to obtain sufficient funds for this? She decide to open homes where these 'poorest of the poor' would be kept to attract caring people to donate funds for these people's betterment. But observe that the conditions of her homes in  2 010 are the same as seen in the photos in the 1950s and 1960s........check Missionaries of Charity neglect and abuse sites for photos for confirmation

below is the stairwell  leading up to the Chapel in Mother House in Calcutta [Kolkata] India -  indicating Mother's work at 'satiating Jesus's thirtst for souls.'  Hundreds of her convents worldwide are dedicated to Catholic  conversion
This interest in using poor people only to attract funds is sadly confirmed if one reads  the prayer board where over a decade I have never seen a single one of the many suffering and dying 'destitutes' present in her homes, name listed to be prayed for

so was Christopher hitchens spot on with his dictum describing Mother as a 'Saint for the rich' ???