Friday, March 11, 2011

Does Mother Teresa desreve Sainthood????

what does this photo indicate? Large hands and a calculating face ? Sadly from experience and  research I know that Mother Teresa was most concerned i n creating convents all over the world to bring people to Jesus. Yes this is what the Catholic Church demands of their saints- total dedication to God. So how to obtain sufficient funds for this? She decide to open homes where these 'poorest of the poor' would be kept to attract caring people to donate funds for these people's betterment. But observe that the conditions of her homes in  2 010 are the same as seen in the photos in the 1950s and 1960s........check Missionaries of Charity neglect and abuse sites for photos for confirmation

below is the stairwell  leading up to the Chapel in Mother House in Calcutta [Kolkata] India -  indicating Mother's work at 'satiating Jesus's thirtst for souls.'  Hundreds of her convents worldwide are dedicated to Catholic  conversion
This interest in using poor people only to attract funds is sadly confirmed if one reads  the prayer board where over a decade I have never seen a single one of the many suffering and dying 'destitutes' present in her homes, name listed to be prayed for

so was Christopher hitchens spot on with his dictum describing Mother as a 'Saint for the rich' ???



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